Tuesday 3 September 2013

Doodle D Dragon... Is finished

Well, some serious effort and time has paid off, Doodle is now finished, just got some proof reading to do and fine tuning (fine tuning!?!) before its ready to go to print and ebook status.

The cartoons look good, a step further on from Loopy, improvement is always the aim with each one from here on in, and my techniques are improving with each book, hopefully this will be evident upon release.

With Loopy, this was my first real book that I had complete control over what I did as marketing is concerned, Doodle is my second book, but is completely written and illustrated by me only, with no contributions from other parties I have no one to please but myself, so I am looking forward to how things go from here.

Over the weekend I attended a self publishing course run by a great author, Joy Findlay, and got some good tips on marketing, so I really want to push the boundaries on this one.

PS, if you get the chance to go on one of Joys self publishing courses in the future, then I recommend it as there is some really useful information from someone who has been there, seen it and done it.